Ergonomics is an art and science of helping to fit a job to the worker. Health problems occurs when a worker tries to fit to a job and work long hours.

Example: A tall worker doing some job on a table for long hours can get neck pain, backache etc. by the end of day and as a result goes home with aches and pains. This happens because the worker was trying to fit to the job instead of the job being fit to the worker.

What should have been done? The table should have been elevated, rather than making the worker bend to work.

In sickness, always consider if occupation is a cause.

Incorporating ergonomics and lifestyle changes into your workplace and life can increase productivity, decrease fatigue and decrease muscle soreness.

If your injury or pain keeps you from functioning and enjoying everyday life at work, home or during leisure activities, ask your doctor if an ergonomic assessment should be done.

An ergonomic assessment is able to point out to the factors that cause discomfort and help in identifying the risk – once identified steps can be taken to mitigate the risk to your health.

Every job, every occupation has risk to health – what are they, how can they be mitigated can be known after an assessment is done. In sickness, it is always good to consider if occupation is a cause.

Individuals, MSMEs and large corporations seeking advice on ergonomics may contact