
Domestic workers and Occupational Health 

Domestic work is an old occupation with ancient Mesopotamian (present day Iraq, parts of present-day Iran, Syria, Turkey and Kuwait) sources referring to it. Historically, domestic workers were employed by those who could afford a helping hand to do their daily chores. Domestic work was...
Occupational Health

The future of work in extreme heat 

In the US and the Western European nations, July 2023 was a month of extreme heat rarely experienced by their citizens. This led to around 150 deaths in just 5 counties of American states. While writing this article, Maricopa County in Phoenix, for example, has...

Eye discomfort at workplace: take steps now 

Eye discomfort use to happen even a few decades ago but were much lesser and the reasons were different. Eye discomforts were found in the elderly, those doing a lot of data entering work in register books, and due to inadequate (dim) lighting. Good lighting...